Saturday, August 23, 2008

So I decided to post some pictures of the house and the baby's room while I'm on bed rest. Bed rest is a new development. I went to my doctor's appointment yesterday and due to my high blood pressure and the swelling in my feet and legs the doctor ordered me to bed until Monday morning when I'll go back to the doctor to get my blood pressure checked and go from there.

The baby's room only really needs the boarder hung up, but I need to order it first. So hopefully that will be done soon, if not the room is close enough to done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool Suzie! I am a blog addict so I will add yours to my list : ) . I recently started one too:

Sorry I missed the shower, we were on vacation. It sounded like a very nice day. I hope you find lots to do on bedrest or your blood pressure goes back to normal and you can get on your feet again! Sarah