Well, the holidays have come and gone, and so has another year. Chris and I hope you all had a wonderful and joy filled Christmas and New Year. Just so everyone is clear, we did not send out cards this year. I didn't get my act together in time, so we'll make up to you next year. I just didn't want anyone thinking we forgot them. We did however receive many beautiful cards, thank you to everyone who sent one to us. I don't know what it is about Christmas cards but I can't seem to get rid of them, no matter how old they are. Each year I tuck the cards we received away as if they were an ornament or decoration with all the other Christmas stuff and forget about them. Then the next year when I pull out all the boxes of decorations I come across the cards and I have to sit down and look at everyone before I can continue to decorate. This year I found 2007 and 2006 cards. I think the move probably caused me to get rid of the cards before that, I had put 2007's cards in a stocking. I don't remember doing that, but I think I save the cards because I remember my mom saving cards from year to year.
Anyway, here are some pictures of Nathan, he smiles all the time and laughs out loud these big belly laughs. I don't care what kind of mood you're in, when you hear the sound of your child laughing you can't help but laugh too.
Susie! He is so adorable! And he is so long! Gese!
He has gotten so big already!! Definitely cute!! Hope you had a good Christmas and New Years! Thanks for updating! Love you
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