Friday, April 17, 2009

My baby can beat up your baby!!

If you can not read what Nathan's shirt says, it's "Sand Box Bully." I bought those pj's when I was pregnant for Nathan and I thought I remembered them being 12 month size, but they're 6 to 12 month (odd sizing if you ask me) and so I pulled them out this week all excited to put them on Nathan and he's practically out of them already!! Dang it, my little bully's growing so fast!! He weighed in at 19 lbs, 13 oz on March 16th and he was 27 and a quarter inches long!!! He really is getting big. He sits up on his own now as you can tell from the pictures, and he does not really like to be on his tummy which makes my wonder if he's going to skip crawling altogether and just jump up and start running some day?

Nathan has two teeth, both bottom front are through. He has been such a good baby even when you know his teeth are bothering him. I think he's getting close to cutting his top front teeth as well. He has been drooling a lot and his poor little cheeks are so red. Plus he goes in spurts where he will eat a lot one day and sleep a lot the next. It's either his teeth or maybe a growth spurt. Either way it's hard being 7 months old!

Chris and I are going to start teaching Nathan some basic signs to help him communicate more easily with us. He has already started to try and wave "bye-bye" when I leave him at daycare in the morning or when you say "bye-bye" and wave at him he will move him hands in a waving motion, but he does not lift his arms up, yet.

We were playing "SOOOOO BIG" in this picture. Nathan was kinda of craby because of his teeth, I really couldn't get him to smile, but I still think it's a sweet picture.

Well, that is the update from here, and the pj pictures are current as of 7:30 pm tonight, so YEA for me!! I acutally update my blog on the same day a took a picture for the first time since I went back to work!! WOOT for Suz!! If I don't toot my own horn every once in a while it would never be heard....


Jenn said...

He is very cute Suz and Chris! Can't wait to visit you and finally meet this little guy! :-)

Sarah said...

we did baby sign w/ our girls. it was great!