Saturday, May 2, 2009


Nathan has starting to take more notice of Sophie and Kitty, but Kitty is smart enough to run in the other direction! Anyway, Friday Nathan was petting Sophie and I was trying like mad to get pictures of it.

First, let me point out that neither the dog nor the boy got hurt in the making to these pictures...

I love that last picture, it kind of looks like he's saying "what up ladies, I got my blue bib on and I'm feelin fine!"

Sophie is very gentle around Nathan. She usually tries to lick his face, which Nathan responds by opening his mouth and my guess is you know where this is going. Sophie is very jealous of Nathan still. Whenever Chris and I sit on the couch with Nathan between us, she will pace back and forth in front of us until we invite her up on the couch with us or until we pay attention to her.

Dogs can't live with 'em, rather not live without 'em. Sorry, Mom!!

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