Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Well, hello all! I went to an neurologist on Tuesday and my OB today. Here's the low down. The neurologist doesn't think that my migraines are anything to worry about. He doesn't want to do testing on me while I'm pregnant, so we've scheduled an appointment to do the tests after Nate's born. My OB says I'm measuring 39 weeks, so he's sending me to get another ultrasound to check how big Nate is; so much for having a small baby!! My ultrasound is on Saturday at 11am, I should know something by Monday afternoon, of course my OB likes to keep me in the dark.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK Suz- I've been checking in everyday for another blog. Are you in labor yet or what? Nate must be REALLY comfy where he is!! Hope your feeling good. Enjoy these quiet days:) I'll keep checking for updates!! Kristin